 As the two stood in front of each other, Fiona's head was spinning. The thought of having her big, green lover in front of her was making her feel a bit faint. She had never been so nervous and excited at the same time!

Shrek was also feeling a bit overwhelmed, but for different reasons. He knew that Fiona wanted him to help her with something...something very intimate. But he couldn't bring himself to ask what it was directly; his mind simply could not process such a question. Instead, he decided to let Fiona take the lead in whatever way she wanted, hoping that she would be able to guide them through this situation together.

As if reading Shrek's mind (or perhaps just knowing her own desires), Fiona began speaking softly: "You know how much I love you, right?" She paused for a moment before continuing on with an even more hushed tone, "And...well...I've been thinking about something recently..."

Shrek nodded slowly as he listened attentively; he could tell by her voice alone that whatever this was going to be would be very important to both of them. Fiona took a deep breath and said: "I want us to try something new tonight." Shrek raised an eyebrow curiously while still keeping his eyes focused on hers - she had caught him off guard with those words! "Something...very intimate," Fiona whispered, blushing deeply as she said those last two words.

Shrek's heart began racing; this was exactly what he'd been hoping for from their date night together! But now that it was actually happening, he felt himself getting a bit nervous too. He swallowed hard before asking: "What do you want us to try?" Fiona smiled sweetly as she replied: "I...want you t-to help me masturbate."

Shrek's eyes widened in shock at what his lover had just asked of him - he hadn't expected that at all! However, despite being surprised by this request, Shrek couldn't deny how excited it made him feel inside. Here was Fiona asking him directly for something so intimate; she trusted him completely with her most private desires...and he wanted nothing more than t-to make sure that she got everything she needed from their date night together!

Fiona smiled softly as she saw the look on Shrek's face - it seemed like he was surprised by what she'd just asked of him, but also very excited about fulfilling this request for her. She felt a warm glow inside at how much love and care was evident in Shrek's reaction; here was someone who cared deeply about pleasing his partner above all else!

Shrek took another deep breath before saying: "Of course I'll help you with that, Fiona..." He paused briefly while blushing slightly himself, then continued on with a more confident tone: "...but first, we should set some ground rules so things don't get too out of hand." Fiona nodded eagerly; Shrek's words made sense considering how intimate this situation was going t-to be between them!

Fiona smiled softly as she saw the look on Shrek's face - it seemed like he was surprised by what she'd just asked of him, but also very excited about fulfilling this request for her. Here was someone who cared deeply about pleasing his partner above all else! Fiona nodded eagerly; Shrek's words made sense considering how intimate this situation was going to be between them!

Shrek took another deep breath before saying: "Of course I'll help you with that, Fiona..." He paused briefly while blushing slightly himself, then continued on with a more confident tone: "...but first, we should set some ground rules so things don't get too out of hand." Fiona nodded eagerly; Shrek's words made sense considering how intimate this situation was going to be between them!

Shrek smiled gently as he saw how eager his lover looked right now - she really wanted this moment together! "Okay," he said softly, taking another deep breath before continuing on: "So...what kind of ground rules are we talking about here?" Fiona bit her lip nervously while thinking through what Shrek had just asked; she hadn't expected such a direct question from him! After a few moments of silence (during which Shrek began to wonder if he'd pushed things too far), Fiona finally replied: "Well...I think we should agree on some basic boundaries first..."

Shrek nodded slowly, still feeling slightly overwhelmed by everything that was happening between them right now. He wondered what kind of 'boundaries' his lover might need for this situation - would it be something like not letting things get too physical? Or maybe Fiona wanted him to keep himself from getting aroused during their time together...either way, Shrek knew he needed more information if he wanted t-to make sure that she felt comfortable and safe throughout their date night!

Fiona saw the look on Shrek's face - it seemed like he was trying hard not t-to let his nervousness show through too much. She smiled sweetly while reaching out towards him; her hand brushed gently against his arm before resting upon his shoulder where she gave him a gentle squeeze of support (and also just because she loved touching him so much!). Fiona said softly: "It's okay, Shrek...I know it might be difficult for you right now..."

Shrek looked down at Fiona's hand on his shoulder; he couldn't help but feel touched by how supportive she was being towards him even during this moment of uncertainty! He felt himself relaxing just slightly as he realized that Fiona wanted nothing more than to make sure they had a good time together...and if Shrek needed some guidance along the way, then she would definitely be there for him!

Fiona's heart melted at how sweetly her lover was reacting towards her right now; she couldn't help but feel an even stronger connection between them as a result! Fiona said softly: "I just want us to enjoy ourselves tonight...and if we need some guidance along the way, then that's okay too!" Shrek smiled back lovingly while feeling himself relax more fully into their embrace; he loved how much his lover cared about him - even when things got difficult or unfamiliar!

Shrek took another deep breath before saying: "Of course I'll help you with that, Fiona..." He paused briefly while blushing slightly himself, then continued on with a more confident tone: "...but first, we should set some ground rules so things don't get too out of hand." Fiona nodded eagerly; Shrek's words made sense considering how intimate this situation was going to be between them!

Shrek smiled gently as he saw how eager his lover looked right now - she really wanted this moment together! "Okay," he said softly, taking another deep breath before continuing on: "So...what kind of ground rules are we talking about here?" Fiona bit her lip nervously while thinking through what Shrek had just asked; she hadn't expected such a direct question from him! After a few moments of silence (during which Shrek began to wonder if he'd pushed things too far), Fiona finally replied: "Well...I think we should agree on some basic boundaries first..."

Shrek nodded slowly, still feeling slightly overwhelmed by everything that was happening between them right now. He wondered what kind of 'boundaries' his lover might need for this situation - would it be something like not letting things get too physical? Or maybe Fiona wanted him to keep himself from getting aroused during their time together...either way, Shrek knew he needed more information if he wanted t-to make sure that she felt comfortable and safe throughout their date night!

Fiona saw the look on Shrek's face - it seemed like he was trying hard not t-to let his nervousness show through too much. She smiled sweetly while reaching out towards him; her hand brushed gently against his arm before resting upon his shoulder where she gave him a gentle squeeze of support (and also just because she loved touching him so much!). Fiona said softly: "It's okay, Shrek...I know it might be difficult for you right now..."

Shrek looked down at Fiona's hand on his shoulder; he couldn't help but feel touched by how supportive she was being towards him even during this moment of uncertainty! He felt himself relaxing just slightly as he realized that Fiona wanted nothing more than to make sure they had a good time together...and if Shrek needed some guidance along the way, then she would definitely be there for him!

Fiona's heart melted at how sweetly her lover was reacting towards her right now; she couldn't help but feel an even stronger connection between them as a result! Fiona said softly: "I just want us to enjoy ourselves tonight...and if we need some guidance along the way, then that's okay too!" Shrek smiled back lovingly while feeling himself relax more fully into their embrace; he loved how much his lover cared about him - even when things got difficult or unfamiliar!

Shrek took another deep breath before saying: "Of course I'll help you with that, Fiona..." He paused briefly while blushing slightly himself, then continued on with a more confident tone: "...but first, we should set some ground rules so things don't get too out of hand." Fiona nodded eagerly; Shrek's words made sense considering how intimate this situation was going to be between them!

Shrek smiled gently as he saw how eager his lover looked right now - she really wanted this moment together! "Okay," he said softly, taking another deep breath before continuing on: "So...what kind of ground rules are we talking about here?" Fiona bit her lip nervously while thinking through what Shrek had just asked; she hadn't expected such a direct question from him! After a few moments of silence (during which Shrek began to wonder if he'd pushed things too far), Fiona finally replied: "Well...I think we should agree on some basic boundaries first..."

Shrek nodded slowly, still feeling slightly overwhelmed by everything that was happening between them right now. He wondered what kind of 'boundaries' his lover might need for this situation - would it be something like not letting things get too physical? Or maybe Fiona wanted him to keep himself from getting aroused during their time together...either way, Shrek knew he needed more information if he wanted t-to make sure that she felt comfortable and safe throughout their date night!

Fiona saw the look on Shrek's face - it seemed like he was trying hard not t-to let his nervousness show through too much. She smiled sweetly while reaching out towards him; her hand brushed gently against his arm before resting upon his shoulder where she gave him a gentle squeeze of support (and also just because she loved touching him so much!). Fiona said softly: "It's okay, Shrek...I know it might be difficult for you right now..."

Shrek looked down at Fiona's hand on his shoulder; he couldn't help but feel touched by how supportive she was being towards him even during this moment of uncertainty! He felt himself relaxing just slightly as he realized that Fiona wanted nothing more than to make sure they had a good time together...and if Shrek needed some guidance along the way, then she would definitely be there for him!

Fiona's heart melted at how sweetly her lover was reacting towards her right now; she couldn't help but feel an even stronger connection between them as a result! Fiona said softly: "I just want us to enjoy ourselves tonight...and if we need some guidance along the way, then that's okay too!" Shrek smiled back lovingly while feeling himself relax more fully into their embrace; he loved how much his lover cared about him - even when things got difficult or unfamiliar!


 Fiona and Shrek had been living in their swamp for years now, and they were both pretty happy with it. But one day, something unexpected happened that changed everything...

Fiona was sitting on a log near the edge of her swamp when she noticed something odd - someone was approaching from across town! She'd never seen anyone come this way before so curiosity got hold of her and she decided to go investigate who would dare venture into her home alone. As Fiona walked closer, she saw it was none other than Shrek himself returning back after his daily work around the swamp's surroundings (which included gathering food or doing chores). The ogre looked tired but proud as he held up several bags full of supplies; even though Fiona had never seen him look so worn down before today , she knew exactly why: Shrek loved being outside working hard every day because nothing gave him more satisfaction than providing everything needed for both himself & his wife while also ensuring all their needs were met . Even if Fiona would have preferred that her beloved husband spend less time away from home and more with her, she couldn't help but be proud of how hard he worked to provide everything they needed.

Shrek had just finished carrying the last bag inside when Fiona approached him; she was smiling ear-to-ear as she walked up behind him and gave his ass a friendly smack (which made him jump). "Hey there hubby! How'd your day go today?" Fiona asked cheerfully, leaning against Shrek's back while waiting for an answer from her beloved ogre husband who was still recovering after being startled by her sudden appearance.

"It went fine," he said gruffly without looking at her or even acknowledging that she was there; despite being married to each other for many years now , Fiona knew all too well how Shrek preferred his personal space and quiet time after coming home from work (or any other outing). But today something different happened - instead of just walking away like usual, Fiona decided not to leave him alone like before. Instead she stayed put right next to him while continuing their conversation without letting up on her playful tone which surprised Shrek at first but soon got used to it: "Oh really? Did you get everything done?" Fiona asked playfully while running both hands along his muscular arms; this made Shrek feel even more uneasy because he knew exactly what she was doing - trying to seduce him! And yet he couldn't help but respond positively since deep down inside there was no way Shrek could resist such attention from someone as beautiful as Fiona.

"Yeah," Shrek grunted, "I think so." He still didn't turn around or look at his wife; instead he kept walking towards their home while trying to ignore how sexy she sounded when talking like that - especially since today's tone was obviously more playful than usual . But no matter what Shrek did , Fiona wasn't going anywhere ! She followed him inside their humble abode where they lived together happily ever after (even though sometimes things got rough between them).

As soon as they entered through the door, Fiona immediately started stripping off her clothes right in front of Shrek who couldn't help but notice how incredible she looked when naked - especially now that he could see every inch of skin without any clothing obstructing his view ! Fiona's breasts were perfectly shaped and proportioned while her ass was so firm yet soft enough to make him want nothing more than bury himself inside it until they both came together . Shrek felt his dick getting hard just thinking about all those times when he'd take Fiona from behind; sometimes she would even ride him like a wild animal which always resulted in intense orgasms for both partners !

"Oh wow!" Fiona exclaimed while taking notice of her husband's growing erection , "Looks like someone is ready to go huh?" She giggled before getting on all fours right next to Shrek , offering herself up completely with no resistance whatsoever . This surprised him yet again since normally she would make him work hard in order get what he wanted (and even then it wasn't always easy). But today Fiona seemed eager & willing which made Shrek's heart race faster than ever ! He quickly joined her on the floor where they began kissing passionately while exploring each other's bodies using only their hands .

Their tongues intertwined fiercely as if trying to prove who could dominate whom - something that Fiona enjoyed immensely since she loved being dominated by her beloved ogre husband even more than anything else in life (except maybe having sex). After several minutes , both partners finally slowed down enough so they could catch their breath while still keeping eye contact . Fiona looked into Shrek's eyes and saw nothing but love & desire which only made her want him even more! With one swift movement , Fiona pulled away from his lips before climbing onto his lap where she straddled him face-to-face; both hands gripped tightly around his neck as she leaned forward until their foreheads touched together .

"I want you inside me right now!" Fiona whispered seductively into Shrek's ear while grinding against his hard cock through her panties , "Please... Make love to me!" She begged before leaning back slightly so he could see how wet & eager she really was (something that made Shrek feel incredibly proud since this wasn't something she did often). Without another word, Shrek reached down between their bodies where he quickly undid Fiona's underwear before sliding them off her body completely . He took hold of both breasts with each hand while giving gentle squeezes which made Fiona moan out loud; meanwhile , one leg wrapped around his waist while the other rested comfortably atop Shrek's lap - something that allowed him easy access into her wet pussy .

"Oh god yes!" Fiona gasped as soon as she felt Shrek enter inside her , "You're so big! Oh my goodness..." She continued moaning loudly while riding him at a moderate pace; however , this wasn't enough for either one of them - especially since both partners wanted nothing more than reach their peak together ! So after several minutes , Shrek began increasing speed until finally reaching full force .

"Oh yeah baby!" Fiona screamed as she started climaxing almost instantly which only encouraged Shrek to keep going harder & faster . After several seconds , both lovers reached an intense orgasm where they came together in unison; their bodies shook violently while moaning loudly until finally settling down again . Once everything calmed back down , Fiona slowly dismounted from Shrek's lap before collapsing next him on the ground where she laid there panting heavily while trying catch her breath (something that took quite awhile due to how intense both orgasms were).

"Wow..." Fiona whispered quietly as if still recovering from such an incredible experience; meanwhile , Shrek lay right beside her with a huge smile across his face because today was truly amazing !

The couple stayed like this for several minutes before finally getting up off the floor together . Fiona quickly got dressed back into her clothes (which didn't take long since she wasn't wearing much) while Shrek did same thing - except he decided not wear any pants since he knew Fiona wouldn't mind if he walked around completely naked around their house; after all , it was just them two living here ! Once everything was done & ready , they both left their humble abode together where Shrek headed off towards kitchen (since cooking dinner was something he loved doing) while Fiona went outside into swamp area where she would usually spend time cleaning up or taking care things .