 Fiona had been in a bad mood all day, which was strange because she almost always woke up like sunshine and rainbows. She didn't know why she felt so off, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

It was late at night when she finally decided to go for a walk to clear her head. The moonlight illuminated her surroundings as she strolled through the forest, listening to the sounds of nature around her. She knew it was a bit chilly out, but she didn't mind - the cool air felt refreshing on her skin.

After some time had passed, Fiona found herself near a small pond hidden deep within the woods. The water shone silver in the moonlight and the peaceful atmosphere of the place soothed her troubled spirits. She sat down by the edge of the pond and dipped her feet into the water, enjoying its cool touch on her skin.

As she was relaxing, Fiona heard a noise coming from behind some bushes nearby. Curious about what it could be, she decided to investigate - and what she found surprised her beyond measure.

Shrek, the ogre who had been living in these woods for as long as anyone could remember, was taking a bath! Fiona had never seen him like this before - he usually kept himself hidden from sight and only came out at night to scavenge for food or hunt down any humans that got too close to his territory. But now here he was, completely naked and immersed in the water up to his waist with his enormous green cock hanging between his legs.

Fiona couldn't help but stare at him for a moment - she had never seen an ogre this close before and the sight of him was both terrifying and strangely intriguing. She wanted to run away but something kept her rooted to the spot, watching as Shrek continued to bathe himself leisurely without any awareness of her presence.

As Fiona stood there frozen in place, she noticed that Shrek seemed to be enjoying his bath a bit too much - he was stroking his cock slowly with one hand while using the other to wash his hairy chest and stomach. The sight made her heart beat faster and suddenly she felt an unexpected warmth between her legs as her pussy began to get wet without any warning.

Before she could stop herself, Fiona found herself walking closer towards Shrek - drawn by some hidden desire that she couldn't understand but didn't want to fight against either. She stood beside him in the pond, water lapping at her feet as she watched him continue to stroke his massive cock with one hand while using the other to scrub his back vigorously.

"Hello," Fiona whispered softly into Shrek's ear, her voice shaking slightly as she spoke - but he didn't seem to notice or care about what she said because all of his attention was focused on enjoying his bath.

Fiona couldn't resist touching him anymore - she reached out and placed one hand on Shrek's muscular arm while the other began stroking his cock gently along its length from base to tip, making sure not to go too fast so as not to alarm him. She could feel how hard he was beneath her fingers and it only made her want more - but what did she really want?

Shrek turned towards Fiona suddenly with a startled expression on his face when he realized someone else was there beside him in the pond - but instead of getting mad or scared like most people would have expected, he just smiled widely at her without saying anything at all. Fiona felt relieved by this reaction because she didn't want Shrek to be angry with her for coming here uninvited; after all they'd never met before today so why should he care about what she did?

"Hello there," Shrek said finally as he looked down at Fiona's beautiful naked body standing beside him in the pond - and then added: "What's your name?"

 "I'm Fiona." She said, her eyes transfixed on his huge cock.

"Well then hello Fiona, I'm Shrek. And what brings you out here?"

Fiona blushed. It was one thing to sneak up on an ogre while he wasn't paying attention but now that she had been caught it felt like all the air went out of her lungs. She tried to say something but only managed a few stuttered words before she finally got herself together and spoke again in what sounded like a normal voice even if inside she was still freaking out about being so close to an actual ogre who looked at least twice as big up close!

"I'm just taking a walk..." She said nervously, not sure how much more of this conversation she could handle without losing her shit completely. But then Shrek's hand moved down towards his groin and started stroking himself again - slowly at first but with increasing speed until he was practically jerking off right there in front of her!

"Well I'm glad you came along, Fiona." He said with a smile as he continued to stroke his massive green cock. "You see, it's not easy being alone out here all the time - especially when you're an ogre like me. So why don't we have some fun together?"

 Shrek smiled at her and motioned for her to come closer with a crook of his finger. Fiona took one tentative step forward before she could stop herself, her heart pounding in her chest as if it might burst out any second now! The ogre's eyes never left hers even though he was still focused on stroking himself off which made Fiona feel both excited and scared all at once - like nothing else mattered except for what would happen next between them two strangers meeting by chance in this dark forest late one night.

Fiona took another step forward, her body trembling slightly as she approached the ogre. The closer she got to him, the more aware Fiona became of his sheer size - he towered over her with ease and Fiona felt small next to him despite being quite tall herself! She could see every detail of his face now: the deep wrinkles that crisscrossed it like a map; how his green skin glistened under moonlight; even down below where Shrek's massive cock stood proudly erect in front of him, throbbing with desire while he stroked himself off slowly but steadily right there before Fiona's very eyes!

Fiona's own arousal was building by the second as she watched him pleasure himself - not just because she was turned on by seeing such a huge cock but also because Fiona had never seen anyone do this before. It seemed so... intimate somehow, like she was witnessing something deeply personal between Shrek and himself alone yet here they were together sharing in this moment without saying anything at all!

Fiona's breath caught in her throat as Shrek reached out towards her with one massive hand - it seemed to cover most of Fiona's face when he placed it gently upon her cheek. Fiona felt the warmth radiating off his skin against hers; heard the soft murmurs coming from deep within Shrek's chest like some ancient rumbling volcano about ready to erupt into flames any second now!

"Come on Fiona," Shrek said softly as he continued stroking himself off right in front of her, "it'll be ok."